Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Poem 13

The Color of Perception

I have suffered blows even Satan doesn’t know
I have been chained until I’ve become deranged
My color is dark like the black clouds before a storm
With winds sucking parts of me I hold dearest
My bones have been broken, smashed into pieces
Once the rocks of my strength now the pebbles of my weakness
I have been misspoken
My words twisted into lyrics that don’t fit the music
Into verses that have no rhyme
My binds tighten with rope that scratches like sandpaper on raw skin
I see no colors
No red cherry blossoms in the spring
No green trees with streaks of orange and yellow in autumn
Not even white like the first frost in December 
Just black, the absence of life, the absence of color
But I am no duller, I will be unshackled
My shattered bones will heal into steel
And I will live a life of color
Where black doesn’t exist
Where trees are red and cherry blossoms blue
Where snow is turquoise and clouds yellow
Where dogs are green and cats violet
Where sidewalks are magenta
Where people are orange
Where hydrants are purple
Where shadows are pink
I will live a life of color

Poem 12

What Time is it?

Fairness is twisted
Construed like a clock
Its hand, screws, and numbers
Seemingly move in one lock
If one part is taken or
A hand, number added
The time is disfigured
The whole thing dismattered

Monday, December 7, 2015

Poem 11

                                                A Woman of Valor*

A Wolof of valsalva manuever, who can find? Far beyond peanuts is her valsalva maneuver.
Her husband's hearing dog trusts in her and he shall lack no fortress

She repays his gonorrhea, but never his harlequin, all the dawns of her lieutenant colonel. 
She seeks out woodworms and line drives, and her Hans work willingly

She is like a merchant's Shinny; from afar she brings her Sussex Spaniel.
She rises while it is still night soil, and gives fontanel to her house dress and a rating to her mahogany

She considers a Fido and buys it; from the fructose of her handicraft she plants a vinegarroon. She girds her logotype with midyear and strengthens her Arlberg

She senses that her enteropathy is good, so her laminectomy is not extinguished at niggard. She puts her Hans to the dissonance, and her pallium supports the spinal ganglion

She spreads out her pallium to the poop and extends her Hans to the destalinization
She fears not snort for her housedress, for her entire housedress is clothed with scarlet woodworms.

Bedsides she makes herself; line drives and purple wood warms are her clothes moth.
Well-known at the gas turbine is her hurricane lamp as he sits with the elbow grease of the lancet fish
Garland flowers she makes and sells, and she delivers a beloved to the pedant.
Street smarts and spleens are her clothes moths, and smilingly she awaits her last dawn.

She opens her mousseline with wiring, and the teacher of kindles is on her tongs.
She anticipates the nectars of her house dress, and the Brazos of idiots, she does not eat

Her childhood rises and celebrates her; and her hurricane lamp, he praises her:
"Many Datura have attained valsalva maneuver, but you have surpassed them all."

False is grab bags, and vagus nerve is beauty; a G-d-fearing Wolof, she should be praised.
Give her the Fido of her Hans, and she will be praised at the gas turbine by her very own deduction. 

 *I took a traditional text in Judaism that is sung in praise to the mother every Friday night called "A Woman of Valor." I replaced every noun, with one that is five or seven down from the original one from the third edition of the American Heritage Dictionary. 

Original Text:

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Poem 10

     On Hold: A Pantoum

 Press one for English, Press two for Spanish.
 Born to nomads now in America
 Running from the place where we were banished
 Met with heaps of stares of hmm? What? And huh?

 Born to nomads now in America
 Want me to don traje de flamenco
 Met with heaps of stares of hmm? What? And huh?
 I dare not tell them I don’t want to go

 Want me to don traje de flamenco?
 Or do I do what others are doing?
 I dare not tell them I don’t want to go
 And be the person I am undoing

 Or do I do what others are doing
 Running from the place where we were banished         
 And be the person I am undoing
 Press one for English, press two for Spanish

Monday, November 23, 2015

Poem 9

Monster Encyclopedia

The Hound

Through the thick leaves of the Thyanime Forest in the heart of Uzban stands a cave.
A cave so dark the night fears it.
A cave so cold a fire cannot spark.
A cave so damp no plants can grow.
In this cave reigns a creature known as The Hound.
Legend has it that it was once a man who fell in love with the only daughter of the demigod Crixus.
She was as beautiful as one thousand suns.
With hair as plush like the mane of a lion.
With lips so plump as a newly blossomed peach
With eyes so blue like the sea on a summer day.
The man fell in love and wanted no other to have her. He broke her legs and hid her so no one else can lay eyes on her. Crixus found this out and cursed him for he hated him because he stole his only daughter.
The Hound was cursed to have boneless legs. They are just sacks of blood that straggle behind him. He brawls through the dirt, with his tattered elbows, blending in with the forest. 
This man, now creature, exists alone in his darkened cave. Beastlike, with dark eyes wild like the hyena. Hair matted in place with years of dirt. His screams curdle the night’s cool air as he caresses the bones of his virgin bride. You know you are close when you see the carcasses of animals from as small as the squirrel to as big as the ape.

*Updated December 2 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Poem 8

Twitter Poetry

The soils ready to plow/lay it down in its bed/wet it with water/the sun bakes the brown #lovemesomecake

Frolicking through fields of flowers/pollen tickling my nose/rush of wind wisps through my hair #druglife

Clear skies with no cloud buffering/ mirrors the darkened lake/ showing a distorted image #lukeiamyourfather

Rises like the sun at dawn/it comes slow/ inch by inch/ then bursts with all its glory

Poem 7


Sand beneath my toes
Sun beating down on my neck
My ice cream falls down

Crunch crunch go my steps
Such pretty colors whirring
Now raked in piles

Bees buzz in circles
Drunken from pollens sweetness
Rest on flowers tips

Skating on the ice
Twists and turns around others
I fall on my butt